Tag Archives: 30/30

5 Haikus by Lisa Molinelli

We just love how these haikus by Lisa Molinelli tell a story. Wondering what the numbers for their titles mean? She wrote them as part of the 30 poems in 30 days challenge for April’s National Poetry Month.

No. 8

Alone with my thoughts,
I have my epiphanies

walking to the train.


No. 16
Chill in the air means

I have to wear my red gloves.

Explain yourself, Spring.


No. 2

Man on the platform

wearing a nice suit and tie

dancing to hip hop


No. 26

I am watching you

silently recording you

for poetic use


No. 12

This time it is me

riding on the Green Line train

bopping to hip hop.

30/30 challenge. You in?

It’s National Poetry Month! To celebrate, poets across the nation are taking part in the 30/30 challenge: 30 poems in 30 days. A poem a day. Pretty simple. And a great way to make yourself focus and write.

We’re celebrating by….

  • Keeping a list on Twitter of poets who are participating in the 30/30 challenge. If you’re on Twitter, drop us a reply or a direct message and we’ll get you on the list! We’ll be tweeting links to poems written by authors who are participating in 30/30.
  • Facebooking links to poems written for 30/30.
  • Encouraging YOU to post a poem you’ve written for 30/30 to our Facebook wall. Go for it!

If you’d like some inspiration, check out this New York Times piece about how to have fun this month.

So go on, get writing! And good luck!